Virtual Learning Options

Coudersport Area School District offers two virtual learning options for our students. Both options allow students and families to remain connected to our schools, and when completed, students who participate in these programs will graduate with a Coudersport diploma.

Coudersport Virtual

Students participate in class and receive online content provided by Coudersport teachers. The content and grading standards are the same for both in-person students and those attending virtually. 

Coudersport Cyber Academy

Coudersport partners with Edgenuity to provide exclusively online instructors and curriculum for K–12 students. This option is all online and completely separate from the curriculum taught to students attending in person or virtually at Coudersport schools.

For More Information, Please Contact Us

Grades K–6: Alyson Yerrick (814) 260-4033
Grades 7–12: Rachel Minard (814) 260-4024