School Counseling Center

Preparation and practice is the key to success. We begin preparing our students for graduation and college entrance exams early. With plenty of support and encouragement, we challenge our students to recognize and capitalize on their unique strengths and talents—so they feel confident and comfortable when it counts. Please see our registration guides below for more information.

Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania

Commonwealth University will recognize and reward students for their academic preparation at Coudersport Area School District (CASD) by awarding a tiered scholarship merit program for CASD graduates. Please see the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania Guaranteed Admission flyer for all the details.


We invite you to take some time to review the scholarship opportunities that are currently available for Coudersport students.


To earn a Coudersport High School graduation diploma, students must complete the following units of study and earn the required credits.

General Requirements

English 9, 10, 11, 12 (4 credits)
Social Studies/Government (4 credits)
Science (4 credits)
Math (4 credits)
Health 9, 11 (1 credit)
Physical Education (2 credits)
Electives (7 credits)

Total: 26 credits

Career & Technical School Requirements

English 9, 10, 11, 12 (4 credits)
Social Studies/Government (2 credits)
Science (3 credits)
Math (3 credits)
Health 9, 11 (1 credit)
Physical Education (2 credits)
CTC (9 credits)

Total: 24 credits

Find out more about our Career & Technical Center (CTC).

Opportunities to Earn College Credits

NCAA & College Bound Students

Student athletes should meet with the school counselor every year to plan their high school schedule. Students must meet certain academic requirements, including core courses, grade point averages, and SAT and ACT scores for initial eligibility.

Schedule Changes

We will permit students who desire to drop or add a class prior to the beginning of each school year, after the initial spring scheduling, and under the following conditions:

  • The student still maintains the required hours of class per week.

  • The student provides a justifiable reason for the change.

  • Parental consent exists.

  • Class membership warrants the change.

  • Class period creates no conflict.

  • The ability of the student to add the course is warranted.

  • The student obtains approval from the teacher and administration to audit a course.

  • Please discuss schedule changes with the school counselor.

Student Assistance Program

Are you experiencing:

  • Loneliness

  • Tension at home

  • Depression

  • Parental pressure

  • Hopelessness

  • Control by drugs or alcohol

  • Isolation

  • Confusion about sexuality

  • Inadequacy

  • Stress

  • Overwhelming school pressure

  • Inability to cope

  • Peer pressure

  • Frequent Absences

It’s not just you. There is help! Our Student Assistance Program attempts to identify, intervene, refer, and follow up with students who experience difficulty at school due to addiction, mental health, home life, or other problem behaviors. We do not attempt to diagnose or treat students with these problems, but rather, we seek to help students and provide intervention through appropriate referrals and follow-up. Of course, all referrals remain confidential.

You can learn more about this program from PA Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS).

More Information

Please call Mrs. Matzinger to make an appointment to speak with a teacher or counselor.

Rachel Minard, School Counselor
(814) 260-4024

Erin Andrews, Mental Health Specialist
(814) 260-4026

Sheri Matzinger, Technology Aide
(814) 274-8553

Rebecca Keagle, Career Mentor

College Application  Resources

Stay on top of critical college application requirements and learn about the many options available to you. 

College Entrance Exams

Standardized testing can strike fear into the most intelligent and confident of students. However, with preparation and knowledge of what to expect, students can conquer this hurdle. Learn more on these sites:

Plan for Success: College–Career–Military

It’s time to get serious about your future. Get familiar with these resources and what they have to offer. Sign up to receive important deadline reminders, tips, and prompts to action sent via email or text.