Falcon News
School is a huge part of family and community life. It’s where our children spend their days; it’s where we gather to cheer on the home team, celebrate talent, and promote the pursuit of lifelong learning. Use this page to keep apprised of the news and events that affect your family.
2024–2025 Homerooms
Below is a list of the updated homerooms for the 2023–2024 school year. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Grade 12 and Grade 9
A–D: B122 A–F: A130
E–M: B119 G–P: A108
N–Z: B108 Q–Z: A109
Grade 11 and Grade 8
A–Da: B130 A–F: A212
De–M: B127 G–Ma: A219
N–Z: B125 Mc–Z: A220
Grade 10 and Grade 7
A–C: A129 A–C: A202
D–K: A128 D–K: A210
L–Z: A123 L–R: A222
S–Z: A224
A–Z A121
Coudersport High School Orientation/Open House Slated
Coudersport High School’s Open House / Orientation will be held on Monday, August 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Students and parents are encouraged to attend for an overview of policies, introduction of faculty and administration, athletic/extra-curricular eligibility information, cafeteria procedures, building tour as well as Q&A session.